Super delivery!

JeanneB53 will instantly recognise the subject of my blip today as we are both keen fans of Highland Stoneware.

When our plans for our 40th Wedding Anniversary were curtailed due to Covid, including our annual visit to Scotland, we decided to treat ourselves to this vase in one of their new designs, Heather.  It arrived in several layers of packaging today!  

As everywhere, work in the pottery is on a degree of hold at the moment, but when I contacted them they had a rummage in their attic and found the unglazed vase.  It was then hand painted by Dorrell who was the person on the other end of my e-mails, thereby adding something of a personal touch to the finished work.  I love it and it now sits proudly on the hearth.

I decided to blip the vase alongside our first two purchases, made on a holiday in the Highlands before children, so they must be at least thirty five years old.  The Sheep design with Suilven as a backdrop, continues today, but the basic mountain design on Tony's mug has been developed out of all recognition.  Last year Tony threw our HS teapot down the stairs and there is still a perfect circular hole in the wall where it bounced before arriving at the foot of the stairs.  It was unscathed, testament to the strength of the pottery.  One of these slow days I will bring out all my pieces from their various places around the house and do a group blip.  Maybe Jeanne will do the same!

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