The Artists’ Town, Kirkcudbright

It was breezy and cloudy when we left Old Kiln Farm. We drove north a few miles to the town of Silloth with its wide cobbled streets and lovely park leading from the town to the sea. The heyday of the town was in Victorian times when the railway came, bringing with it holiday makers. We bought a Guardian and some milk in the Co-op and parked by the sea for a cup to tea and a perusal of the news. That didn’t exactly set us up for the day, nor did the Current PM’s Covid announcement. They are focussing on people meeting in homes but I can’t find any evidence to support the theory that this is where the virus is transmitting. After people being told just a few weeks ago, to go back to work even if they could work from home, it’s a big U turn and now they must work from home again. This is for 6 months. Masks are mandatory in shops etc and no more than 6 can meet in private homes. Obviously this doesn’t apply to the several millions like us who are not allowed to meet anyone at all, inside or out.

We are now parked with a lovely view down to the town of Kirkcudbright. It is a community run site costing £22 a night which is £7-12 dearer than we’d usually pay but it’s in a good cause. Also it is a short walk to the town so I was able to take 5000 steps to look around. I have been here a few times before but it’s nice to see again. There were few people about but those who were kept a distance, as did the children going home from school.

The pink house was the home of Scottish Colourist Hornel who was influenced by his visits to Japan. We strolled to the harbour and saw the castle.

On the way back up the hill we went by a fish and chip shop so that’ll be a treat for tonight. It is one of those meals that seem a good idea at the time but after eating them and being left with the greasy-tongue feeling I know it’ll be another 6 months before the notion grabs me again!

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