A Sign?

A white feather lying on the grass outside my patio. What do I think? I know what I would love to think, but the logical, matter of fact side of my brain is overdeveloped. We have seagulls a- plenty here, they have feathers which are predominately white, and periodically they lose a feather or two. Ergo! But what if?........

I like the idea that people have their own personal angel keeping watch over them, and I certainly think that any angel I might have been assigned has done a good job with my well being, but how about the people with rotten lives, suffering in all manner of hideous ways? Where are their guardian angels? For guardian angel, read personal God and you see my dilemma with organised religion.

Anyway, after dealing with the feather and doing a minor shop in Poundland where the psychology behind that enterprise is a masterpiece for the gullible like me, I relaxed over a coffee before a Zoom meeting. Far less walking about today which was good because it felt like 8° and very autumnal. A scarf was worn.

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