Facing the other way....

...to this blip. But this time on a day that was only periodically sunny, and at times bitterly cold. At least it was quite sunny when I did a round of the (now finally open) Telford Path to get to Morningside to collect the EOS M6, which has been repaired (see extra). Mr A has taken that in hand and doubtless will be blipping the results (with the macro lens on).

But meanwhile, he's been busy doing time lapses of the demolition activities, and you can see one of them here. This one doesn't really convey the amount of dust that is raised (although another one I saw today which hopefully he will put online does) and it certainly doesn't convey the amount of noise that we've had to put up with. Someone from the developers phoned me this afternoon, but I missed the call. They want to fill me in on timelines (probably about when there will be pile-driving, which will be horrendous). The demolition people also left me a message - seeking my email address to send me a newsletter. They can bugger off.

Other than that...well, I escaped to the office, so didn't suffer the worst of it, and was rather more productive than I have been at home recently, presumably because the change of scene was good for me. The place is still very quiet, but there are a few more students around studying quietly in the available spaces in OC, but these are by no means full. I didn't see any direct evidence of teaching taking place.

I chatted a fair bit to norfolkdoc (by text of course) during the day about "plans", and I also exchanged a fair few messages and emails with my friend JDz, about various things, including some minor aggravations that she can help me with. I'm going to try and get to sleep early, as I have signed up for a *very early* gym class tomorrow.... Wish me luck.

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