Thank you Emma

My lovely bunch of flowers were from Emma who came originally to minister to Ann's feet, especially her toe nails that suffered badly from the chemotherapy.  Before too long I’d joined in the party too and I'd miss our six weekly conversations if she didn’t come.

I shouldn’t leave a gap before I write this as my memory isn’t the best at the moment.  I slept much better, so felt better all day.

Tai Chi in the morning and camera club in the evening, with I’m sure some more admin jobs in between.  Oh and I had a hoover round downstairs.  I usually do the main room on a Wednesday as I need to rearrange furniture for Tai Chi, but I actually got around to evicting spiders from the sitting room and cleaning up their debris (they wrap up woodlice into neat little parcels - I’m not sure how the woodlice get in, but they do). I’ve kept looking at the mess and thinking I must do something about it - well finally I did!

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