Up, up and away!

A gorgeous day today - clear blue skies tho' with a decided nip in the air.  I walked down to the town, stopping to chat to a gentleman who was weeding along the base of his wall and a lady along the road who was spraying along the base of hers. They must have read my Blip a couple of days ago!  

Later on I came out of Tesco to bump into a couple of friends who had joined me on my second trek in the Himalayas in 1994. We've kept in touch, but it was a pleasant surprise to meet them in Oban. While we were talking a light aircraft swooped over the car park. Just as I looked up he opened his tap and created a huge 3/4 circle of white smoke in the sky. Fortunately I had my camera round my neck. Not sure what he was celebrating! 

I went on over to the lifeboat pier and enjoyed my walk through the ferry terminal and through the town, which was very busy - chips, fags and litter were the order of the day!

Quote of the Day:

Charles Lindbergh - "Flying a good airplane doesn't require near as much attention as a motor car." 

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