
As one gets older there comes a time when you realise that you are not going to be able to do all the things you would like to do and something has to give. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to learn to weave and actually work at a loom. I think it may have to do with living most of my life in Bradford amongst the mills. I can remember as a child having a small weaving loom and loving it. 

When I retired I thought that was the time - so I bought a loom. It was only a table loom, but it was a good Ashford one and I had a stand for it. So I started with it. I had the books to follow and I even went on a couple of workshops. I did actually make a few scarves, which I still have. But eventually other things came along and I found I needed to put more time into it than I was prepared to. It does take a long time to get the warp set up. So I left it, always meaning to go back to it. But I never did. Then we got fed up of moving it around, even in our big house, it got in the way.

That's when I had to make a decision - was I ever going to get back to it? And the answer was reluctantly, but honestly - No.

So Gordon put it on eBay and before I had chance to change my mind, in fact within a few hours of it going on sale, it was snapped up. Several people were obviously prepared to buy it for what it was worth, which surprised us. Today Gordon has dismantled it, boxed it up and it is ready to send off by carrier tomorrow. Sad, but . . . 

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