
By Veronica

Oh Yes!!

... is what I cried when I took the lid off the casserole halfway through baking. Finally I have my sourdough starter and mojo back. The revived starter looked a bit miserable for the first week, but then it took off a couple of days ago, prompting me to start a loaf. Very pleased with the result, baked after a night proving in the fridge. So now I can continue with more confidence.

Last night we were invited to S and T's for dinner, with I, G, and V. "Bring warm clothes," warned T; "We're eating on the terrace." Their terrace is half-covered and sheltered from the wind, and we were obviously comfortable because we eventually dragged a reluctant G and V towards the car at gone 1 a.m., having arrived at seven ... lots of good talk, even if V got rather rampant at times.

Today, after the bread-baking, our village walking group resumed its activities, with a number of the survivors of last night's feasting included (me, T, G, I). Being the designated post-dinner driver, I was fine, and in any case it was an easy introductory walk of about 8 km, taken at a much more leisurely pace than Tuesday's route march

And this evening, a choir committee meeting, (masked) face-to-face for the first time in many months. A whisker over two hours, so not as bad as the marathons we used to have before we acquired an Anglo-Saxon president. In any case they'll soon be a thing of the past for me, because I've resigned from the committee. 

To my surprise, 33 members have signed up to sing ... neither T nor I are going to. Hours on end in a closed room with 30+ other people, singing in a mask, and not even any shared cake  -- no thanks! For the moment it's allowed, but the rules could change any time, preventing us from meeting -- it's very difficult to plan.

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