
Why do my tomato plants get covered with Cabbage Moth caterpillars each year?

Why am I so tired?

Why can't I seem to get anything right at the moment?

Why is it that there are never enough hours in the day?

Why are some people so unpleasant?

Why do I have a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach?

When this leaf (which was hitherto attached to another one and made a beautiful heart shape, until I accidentally broke it before even taking a photo) was thrown - by me - onto the table in disgust at my clumsiness; it fell like this.

It summed up my thoughts exactly. The fact that the caterpillar had taken refuge under said leaf was a pure bonus.

I'm sure he was thinking Why am I not safely munching on Barking's tomato plant leaves? I'll leave him to ponder that one in another part of the garden. If he makes it back to my vege patch, then fair play to him.


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