The Bare Bones of It

Well the good news after hirpling to the physio this morning was that there is nothing wrong with my hip joint but plenty wrong with my gluts and other upronounceable things that connect my leg to the rest of my body.

I have always been well connected in the skeletal sense if nothing else- there is nothing elastic or loose about any of my joints and I hate doing exercises which might have helped with suppleness. It’s cardio vascular or nothing for me and I’m reaping the disadvantages.

I was pummelled and pressed by a rather good looking young Irish Man from Galway for about 45 minutes. £1 a minute for the experience of pain is a price worth paying if I can stop hirpling. I certainly found the walk home slightly easier than the walk there.
I have now been given floor exercises to do which will keep me grounded until I meet him again in a fortnight. Hopefully by then I will be running to see him with not a hirple in sight.

I have just read about the new restrictions being brought into the Central belt of Scotland on Friday. Soooo, I can’t have anyone in my house or visit anyone in their house or visit a restaurant or presumably a café if it has a liquor licence, but I’m allowed to get a takeaway coffee and walk or sit outside in the cold with someone from one other household. Ain’t life grand !
I’m off to have a glass of wine on my own- drinking on one’s own at home is NOT good. I’ m on the slippery slope............... but I have an excuse today as it is the birthday of my first born. ‘It’s a wee red haired lassie’, they said in Lanarkshire twang, as she appeared, all 8lbs 9oz of her. Not so wee!
Happy Birthday, Sally!

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