
This morning I resolved that seeing some sun in the near future would be pleasant. At some point the weather obliged so I took a stroll and enjoyed some brief blue skies. Great St Mary’s, the University Church occupies prime position in central Cambridge. There was a buzz as I sat on a nearby wall, with gangs of freshers walking around getting their first taste of university life. I wonder what that initial socialising is like in freshers’ week during a pandemic and when no one is sure what might get closed again, including universities themselves. I’m sure there are fewer raging hangovers and I assume people are finding creative ways of making new friends. I could certainly spot some awkward 18-year olds for whom drinking too many Blue WKDs and dancing until 3am would normally be a way of smashing down inhibitions. I hope the quiet nightlife in 2020 isn’t a barrier to these types settling in and getting the full university experience.

I always like seeing people walking around in those masks usually found on building sites, for clearing asbestos. They break up the monotony of seeing the blue disposables or arty designs purchased from Etsy.

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