song "Deeply Dippy "by Right Said Fred for those that don't know.

An off and on showery day today although the sun is now shining, cool but lovely, just as I like it.

A good start to the day with the usual Friday morning Tai Chi session with C, Gladders and Gus.

After that I had a coffee and a nice breathing space before the Asda delivery.  That is now cleaned off and put away.

Had a passport photo for my Sister to scan and send to her so she can apply for a passport online. 

Completed sorting Mum's stuff out now, so that's the end of a busy few days.  Now I'm going to catch up on Blip before I do anything else.  I have 4 photographic websites to catch up with and don't interact as much as I would like to as I'm just so busy.  How the heck did I ever have time to go to work!!!!

This is my entry for Flower Friday.  Very many thanks to BikerBear for hosting. 

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