The View From the Bedroom

Our internet service is down along with WiFi and even the landline phone. Talking on the cell phone to the insurance people is frustrating to say the least. We think they are working to replace melted wired and/or burned poles...this view from the bedroom seems to qualify for Abstract Thursday

I’m writing this from Dana’s house where the internet is whizzing with people working from home. It’s difficult following through on a single action or even thought.

We’re contemplating sleeping at home tonight. The smoke has permeated everything, but a neighbor loaned us an air purifier for the bedroom.

The story for today is that our neighbor, Paul,whose house burned down came over to say that he had just met one of the fire fighters who saved our house. He was in charge of an engine from Timber Cove (miles away up the coast). He told
Paul that they couldn’t save his house because it was already fully engaged but he saw that our house was just catching fire...probably the they concentrated on saving it. At least there isn’t much water damage because the power was off.

The well pump guy came but that is another story. Essentially the inverter guy says it’s the well pump and the the well pump guy says it’s the inverter. You couldn’t make it up!

Comments will be difficult until we get some internet service back, but I think I might be able to get yours....and I do appreciate it!

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