
More time spent in my sewing room today. I completed a pair of French knickers for Luna and started a dress, extra photo. Although I made the dress to the pattern I'm not entirely happy with the fit of the sleeves, so will be adjusting that for future outfits. Maybe my Luna has fatter arms than the model! Today,  I also purchased another pattern book, Luna Lapin's Friends, more animals and clothes! It was on offer at Amazon, a bargain at £5 and next day delivery, so I couldn't resist! 
I ventured out for a walk with Reg. The sun was shining and I wanted to see how my foot would fare following the couple of days of rest.  All seemed well while I was out and not too bad during the afternoon but by the evening it was throbbing and painful again, not what I was hoping for. Still, we enjoyed the walk but tomorrow I will be resting it again.
I tried out another new recipe, vegetable and chickpea tagine, taken from the website. It was very tasty albeit a little too spicy for me but I added some yoghurt to mine which made it more palatable. Barry loved it!
I have had more correspondence from WW but this time it has come from the Healthier You National Diabetes Prevention Programme team so maybe I should give them a second chance. I'm still debating! I have been making a conscious effort to follow a reduced sugar diet. Not too difficult at meal times as I home cook from scratch most of what we eat; staying away from 'goodies' is more difficult but I'm trying hard! It's certainly made me read the labels of anything I do add to our food. I think I'll have to consider making my own baked beans!
Looks like our local lockdown might be made worse next week, and if that means not being able to cross the county borders it's an absolute pain for us because although we live in County Durham we are literally only 9 miles from two other counties! One of our nearest towns is across the border in Cumbria, where I go to buy our yoghurt, made in that County, from the wholefood shop. Maybe I'll go tomorrow and stock up!

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