Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Before the Flood

This is a backblip because by the time I finally sat down yesterday, I was too tired to post it.  Fortunately, I had done my photo shoot before we noticed the water...

The day started with coffee on the deck and a soak in the hot tub.  Then we took our showers and I started taking pictures.  A while later, PD went downstairs to throw the towels in the washer and the carpet squished when he stepped on it.  The floor drain in the laundry room had backed up.  The water had gone beyond the laundry room into the hall but it hadn't made it into the other rooms, thank goodness.  We spent the next hour or so sucking up water with the Shop Vac and cleaning the mess.  I'm not sure why we haven't learned to have our plumber snake the drain before this happens.  The line gets full of tree roots.  I looked back at my records and it has been about 15 months since the last flood.  This time I set a reminder on my phone for 12 months from now!

Two showers in a row was too much for the very slow drain to process but at least it stopped backing up and we got everything mostly clean and dry (except the carpet which will have to be cleaned).  Once we were finished I called the plumber.  I am so grateful that he said he could squeeze us in and arrived in about an hour.  So now we should be good for another year.

After that was done, I still had a big grocery shopping to do and I hate to go on weekends so I finished my list and left.  I almost forgot to mention that during the clean up I twisted my ankle so I spent the next hour limping through the store.  I am grateful that PD took over when I got home and brought in and put away all the groceries!

My Flower Friday blip is a double exposure of lilies and alstroemeria.  It was hard to decide between the main blip and the extra.  Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting!

Don't forget that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Please click on this link to help fund mammograms for people who can't afford them. It's free and just takes a minute!  

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