Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

A bit of a goofy photo but…

I was on my way to my study about 6:30 this morning and the air was still and there were some coyotes to the north yapping and barking.

Then one bright star caught my attention and I looked up into the heavens. The sky was full of stars. Of course you know I had to try to capture them with my phone camera. I took a few shots and this this one seemed to work well, capturing what I saw.

I remember one summers day a van pulled up here and out poured a bunch of people. They had come to check out our cemetery to see if they could find some long-lost relatives in that place. They were from Toronto so their journey had been long out to this field.

I remember the young man said to me, “Can you see the stars in the sky at night time?” I replied “We sure can.” And I tried to describe to him what I was seeing this morning.

He was awestruck. He said they didn’t have such skies in Toronto, and he was rarely able to see any stars in the night sky. He said it almost reverently, and I appreciated again what we have out here.

We don’t have pizza delivery, and we don’t have a Starbucks or a Tim Hortons out here. But what we do have are skies that go on and on and on.

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