Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

We have a soft egg lover here

Today when I came home for lunch, my granddaughter who is visiting with her family, was eating a soft fried egg. I asked her why she liked them and her quick answer was that she loves to dip her toast in it.

I shuddered and she dug in all the more, grinning.

The work has been a bit intense this week. People are getting tired of Covid and they are not pleased that they also have to follow rules for it in church. It seems a new level of frustration, and some are starting to respond poorly.

Our province has the greatest freedom for churches to meet, but many don’t think it is so. So they push back.

And so we are all a bit fed up, for different reasons I suppose. But all having to do with this virus.

At least I can go home at lunch and get grossed out by my granddaughter. :)

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