It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Big isn't Always Better

Lots of people like lazy Sundays. I see them as days for doing stuff. But I was sleepy this morning. My legs were tired and I wasn't in an 'up n at em' mood. 

Rather, as Rosemary slept, I watched my latest YouTube binge, the photographer Thomas Heaton. I love his videos. He does stuff I like doing....just wandering and observing in the outdoors, preferably without people around.  He is a rather good photographer too...and I like his attitude. Ohhh....n I baked a loaf of bread too! 

Then Rosemary woke up n we had a nice chilled natter and the day was arranged. First a run, then a trip to the Botanics.

We ran along the cycle path, by the Water of Leith, across to Easter Road and then back via the Links. I'm happy as I've had a niggly calf, and it was fine, if a little tight. Maybe I can run fast towards the end of the week.

Rosemary made a wee picnic and then we headed off to the Royal Botanical Gardens for our 2pm entry. We were starving so found a bench very quickly. Homemade bread, cheese and Mummy Byde chutney! Yum. 

I was a bit annoyed though. I had taken my big lens and whilst it can do ok macro, the light was rubbish, my hand was too shaky for close-ups & 100mm is too big to capture the trees. But I did get a few, including this amazing one in the alpine garden.

The walk home was less fun...I started to get tired and grumpy. Rosemary fed me a few medjool dates like she would feed a dog a biscuit. It worked and I was a well behaved boy all the way home!   

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