Monday's painting...

Me back from the depths of the Polish shop near me. It is as enormous as the local Woolies stores used to be in the UK.
In and out in two't happen...

A lot of new stuff had come in. So this was my phone camera on translate.

And I saw a Polish assistant with a clear face mask that looked interesting. Tried asking her about it. Not one word of English. But she was friendly. So a wee bit of miming and she realises I want one. eBay, she says 10 for £10. Good that eBay is a common word in every language...

I would need to do a hack with it to make it suitable for me, but going to look in a bit.

I was translating Polish, Russian, other languages and ended up with two baskets for fantastic stuff. Loads of herbal teas. And I got all the cold meats I needed. Enough so I can go into my hermitage for a month.

One thing I was interested in and had problems translating, so tried asking. No one knew what I was asking, and English was near nil. Eventually a guy came, and he tried (so I ended up with four Polish assistants round me contributing their limited English!). Friendly laughter went on.

A lot of new stuff had come in. So this was my phone camera on translate.
And I saw a Polish assistant with a clear face mask that looked interesting. Tried asking her about it. Not one word of English. But she was friendly. So a wee bit of miming and she realises I want one. eBay, she says 10 for £10. Good that eBay is a common word in every language 

I would need to do a hack with it to make it suitable for me, but going to look in a bit.

I was translating Polish, Russian, other languages and ended up with two baskets for fantastic stuff. I got all the cold meats I needed. Enough so I can go into my hermitage for a month.

I am well stocked on chilled foods that are good for my diabetes for the next month. Probably the this extra circuit breaker lockdown will be on for longer than 3 weeks.

At the till the guy was friendly and helpful, and he laughingly gave me two huge bags of sweets. Which I graciously accepted as usual. But they are no good for my diabetes.

They carried my shopping back to the car for me.

However, the funeral parlour is two doors away, and they have lots of boxes inside to collect food for people who need it. So, I donated the sweets there, before I went home.

A positive morning.

I need a nap now...a long happy nap...

Here is my painting I did before I went iPastels and Procreate...

I need sleep now...oh by the way I brightened up the day of a friend in Liverpool explaining how my face and head was dressed this morning. So, I am doing extra protection because the flu jab nurse was so insistent for my safety that I self isolate for 14 days. Obviously I now needed stuff with this impending circuit breaker lockdown.

I had my face mask on.
I had a protective sunflower snood over it.
Then on my head was a purple wide brimmed hat with one of those soft safety plastic shields all round the brim. I felt like a bee keeper...
I actually bought the hat and clear shield in case I was with someone that needed to lipread. That is why I bought it.

My friend said, if I entered a bank like that a year ago, they would have pressed the panic button for the police to get me, and I would have ended up straitjacketed in the funny farm.

She hasn't stopped laughing...

It takes less than a year for the definition of normal to change...

I do remember reading the newspaper when I was about 10 years old (1959?) and asking my mother why this man had assessed by a psychiatrist and then been locked away in the funny farm, just because he used green ink when he wrote with his fountain pen. I was scared for many years about this, and was very careful never to use green ink. Rebel me now uses green ink...I love green ink!

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