A morning at the playpark

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At 07:00 our younger granddaughter arrived. At 19 and a bit months she is great fun to be with. After breakfast and her bath we set off for a walk to see the river, kick about in some leaves, buy a banana and a local paper from the newsagent and visit the playpark. It was there that one of her favourite words - no - was bandied about (you could say overused) but we managed to get home in time for lego and lunch. She's now recharging her battery with a snooze. I think we'll be in the garden when she wakens up as there are still plenty of leaves to deal with.

Once she's gone home with her mum I'll be preparing for a community council meeting tonight. On zoom of course. The Covid19 news here is worrying. No wonder so many of us aren't sleeping well.

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