The Lawyer's Wig

Despite the forecast of drenching downpours we had a smashing walk around Westonbirt today, and it was possibly the best showing we've seen in all our years of going. Yes, it rained and on occasions heavily, but we dressed appropriately and stayed dry and warm throughout.

Consideration of how to keep the camera dry led to my wearing it on a strap under my Drizabone coat, and with no opportunity for changing lenses I took the GM 70-200 f2.8. That did limit me sometimes, with negative zoom courtesy of careful paces backwards!

This pair of beautifully white Shaggy Mane mushrooms stood beneath the Acers in the front display on the Westonbirt road. Go Large. They spring up after (or during) heavy rain and are edible as long as you make sure they're them, and not shaggy ink caps. I veered to cautionward, and left them there.

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