
By JennyOwen

Chilean guava

Or Myrtus ugni, to give it the latin name.

I spent a lot of the day on Zoom, at a Royal Photographic Society online advisory session. I got some very helpful feedback on a draft submission for their first level of accreditation. There's some work to do, to bring it up to scratch, but it's manageable.

Once that finished, I escaped into our very wet garden for some fresh air and potential blip inspiration.

These edible berries are the last fruit to ripen each year. The shrub itself is hardy and evergreen:  two winning features. The blossom is lovely in the late spring, and the berries have a delicate and pleasing scent. So far so good. Apparently Queen Victoria loved to eat them. I find them a bit sickly, though they're ok cooked up for jelly along with quince.

Thanks to all who have visited this week, and for stars and comments.

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