All aglow

In dazzling late afternoon sunshine, the colours of the foliage against the blue sky were so vivid, we weren't surprised to feel a few spots of rain. The looked-for rainbow never materialised, but we did have a fabulous walk and arrived home just as the rain set in properly. Good timing.

My Extra shows strings of Mother Nature's rubies - I think they're Black Bryony berries, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

As a reminder to myself and not for the fainthearted: last night at bedtime I found what I thought was a boil that appeared on my calf a few days ago had grown bigger. I'm glad I showed it to my daughter. She immediately recognised it for what it was and skillfully, and effectively, removed ... a tick - complete with its head, I'm happy to say. Yikes! My eyesight without glasses and peering from a distance gave me no idea what I was actually looking at. Ugh-ugh-ugh! Shall keep a close eye on the red patch, though Lyme's Disease is very rare. See (or avoid looking at) my second Extra for the nasty larger-than-life beastie!

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