The Great Leap Forward

Despite a miserable, wet start, the forecast was for sunshine this afternoon, and so it transpired. A lovely Autumn day with a slight haze in the air probably caused by evaporated moisture.

Len insisted on coming with Basil and me to Bradgate Park because he said he wanted to keep an eye on me, knowing how accident prone I can be. It was lovely walking along the path to the Deer Barn café. The meadow just beyond is where many of the fallow deer seem to congregate. Almost at once two bucks started locking antlers (see extra). I should have used a faster shutter speed.

We watched the premier stag bellowing to his hinds to keep in order. Then the sun went in and it began to rain, heavily. Luckily we were under an oak tree that kept some of the rain off but we were soaked by the time we got back to the car.

The deer must have known the rain was coming. They chose either to move to the eastern end of the meadow where there was a wall and sheltering oak trees, or to jump over the ha-ha and try and find some shelter on the other side of the path. The meadow is very open to the weather.

That put an end to our excursion which should have ended with a cup of tea at the Deer Barn.

Camera Club committee meeting this evening and I finally, finally, managed to edit a page on the RPS DIG website more to my looking. I feel as if I'm gaining confidence.

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