
A wet, drizzly, dull damp day with heavy rain this afternoon. Daylight struggled to make an impression on darkness this morning, fought a losing battle during the day, giving up the unequal struggle around 4.30pm when it retired to try again tomorrow.

True to form we were out walking in the worst of it this afternoon on our way to post a card to Bulgaria. Like yesterday the post office was stuffed with people. Why all the sudden demand. I heard stamps can be bought online and printed out at home.

The reviews of the RM app were not favourable and so it proved after downloading and doing all the registering stuff only to find stamps can only be printed out for UK destinations.

It was a really challenging day to find a blip. Thank goodness for the Tiny Tuesday challenge of “something ending in R." Rather unimaginably, my entry is a floweR.  This floweR is on the outside of one of Susan’s make up bag. It’s printed on an interesting canvas like texture.

Thanks to ApolloFly for hosting TT283.

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