
So this horse came up to the fence to say hello and i got out my camera/phone switched on and it had gone thats why this blip is of the rear end of horses. I thought the sun shining through the leaves looked nice.

Tonight i decorated the tree with Halloweeny things. Made a ghost then put a note on the gate to take a sweet and put a big bag of sweets in a tub. We left the curtains open so we could see if any children came but none did. I went to take everything in at 7.30 and found someone had taken the whole bag of sweets. It must have happened when i was in the kitchen making tea someone had sneaked up and taken them. Apparently i wasn't the only one it happened to according to our local facebook page.

Well it was on the cards wasn't it everyone locked down again on Thursday. If only some people would follow guidelines we wouldn't be back to square one. I've heard people say I'm not doing this or that but cant they see how selfish they are. Its only common sense to be careful.
I had 3 women walkers nearly trample me down today even though i stood to one side, no attempt to social distance. I couldn't go any further as there was a wall in the way. I had to call at Tesco for a magazine this morning and it was heaving with shoppers some with trollies so full they could hardly push them. probably because we were going into tier 3 Monday. (there wont be a shortage of loo rolls this time as they will still be using the last lot they bought)
There are actually people who think its all a conspiracy and there is no virus. Hard to believe but I actually know a person who believes this. I have tried to tell her its not but i don't think she believes me.
My rant over now.

Take care everyone

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