As time goes by

During lockdown starting last March i have walked past this field many many times. I saw it's crop starting like this last March, watched it grow, watched them harvest it, it was wheat and bail the straw, remove the bails on huge wagons with huge trailers, plough the field. Now a new crop is growing, i wonder what it is. Time will tell. Could be oil seed rape which is an early crop or just a grass crop to plough back in next spring. No doubt we will still be passing by and watching it grow next year.

It didn't rain on us this morning so when we got back i cut down the sunflowers as they had nearly all gone to seed. I've saved some seed.

Then after lunch I gave the house a good vac and washed the kitchen floor.

Going to make tea shortly. Some nice veg. soup followed by peaches or even ice cream if i am feeling naughty. The diet is doing well averageing around a pound a week, i wont lie its sometimes less, but none the less getting there. Since last June i have lost almost a stone hopefully next week will see that goal.

Hope you had a good weekend.

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