Leftover pumpkins

This morning I went out with the walking group for the last time until after lockdown. It was a mixture of very heavy showers and dry weather with a little sunshine. We went from near Llynclys  walking lanes, along the canal and over a ford that crossed a brook which was higher than I've ever seen it (there's a bridge fortunately).

We started the walk close to the local "cut your own" pumpkin farm and I was sorry to see so many pumpkins left in the field after Halloween.  I hope that they'll be able to sell them in the farm shop or feed them to animals, I'd hate them to be wasted. I hadn't realised until this year that some pumpkins aren't edible, I hope that these are.

When I got back to the car I spotted a flock of redpoll so that was a treat. Unfortunately the photos weren't good enough to blip.

The extra is of a very topical pumpin that I passed on the walk.

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