Emmett’s Gardens, near Sevenoaks

How come none of those leaves fell into the barrow?

Another beautiful day, cloudless blue skies, hardly a breath of wind and good visibility. A day to treasure.

Our first objective was successfully achieved with a coffee and scone at the tea room after which we walked around the garden taking in the colours and other features which make the place so attractive.

As the garden’s carpark would be locked at 4.00pm we drove a mile or so to the Toy’s Hill NT car park where there was no such limit.

From there we ambled down to a toposcope, where we expected to see a great view. The trees need coppising as the was no view to see. Continuing along the path we came across a bench in a quiet sunlit glade where we had lunch.

Our walk continued along the Greensand Way through some remarkable countryside and woodland to Chartwell which was resplendent in the late afternoon sunshine.

The last lap was back up to the carpark through the spectacular Toy’s Hill village, many of the houses having what must be one of the outstanding views in the country as shown in the extra. The other extra is a pond used to provide water for the gardens.

As we passed through Toy’s Hill our total mileage for this year passed the total for the whole of last year.

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