Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

View from my garden

There is a field of winter wheat just beyond my garden wall (that's my yard wall if you are in the USA!). It was very grey day but the colours on the far hillside looked quite saturated. I actually had to desaturate the green of the wheat because it was so frisky!

The road through the village of Wall to Hexham runs left to right in the middle of the image. The bungalows just beyond the field are in Humshaugh.

My cold is just niggling on. I don't feel very ill but I'm not well. I've had a quiet day and have worn a mask around Mum. I'm tired but staying inside is tiring.

I watched a Churches Conservation Trust talk on how to read gravestones. The speaker was very enthusiastic. I'd hoped he might show us more examples of unusual stones, but he gave good advice on how to research the histories of the people who are remembered.

The US election is still not settled but it looks as though Joe Biden will win. Will DT go quietly? I doubt it.

Life in the time of Covid 19
Nothing has changed for us at the moment.

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