
By strawhouse

Me and My Mum

It was odd going to bed last night with no-one else in the house. The last time I was here alone was when Mr K took the Little Misses down to Devon last year. Archie thought it was all a bit odd!
I went to bed with a hot water bottle at about 7.30pm and watched a few episodes of Death in Paradise before falling asleep.
Living the life!!
Part of the reason I didn't go to Norfolk was that the forecast was for such terrible weather and  I hate being stuck in the camper. The rest of my family positively welcome it and sometimes I struggle being the one demanding that we go out and do stuff.
This morning I was gobsmacked to receive photos and videos of the three of them braving gale force wind and rain walking from Cley to Blakeney.
I was so jealous!!!! Well of the walk not the truly horrendous conditions which I probably wouldn't have gone out in!!
Apparently Miss E had suggested a walk and they'd planned it together. It was "what Mummy would do"!!
It made me a bit sad that I was missing it but also incredibly happy that they do actually want to do these things and my brainwashing is working!!!
I was also sad to miss the goodies from Cley Deli and hot chocolate from the Artemis cafe (see extras)
Archie and I met mum and Elsie at Stoke Lyne for a walk this morning. I didn't want to be left out!  It was beautiful if a little windy. Not as windy as Norfolk obviously!
Archie rolled in something unspeakable but luckily he spent ten minutes chasing sticks in a giant puddle before we got back in the car and cleaned himself right up!
I made myself an enormous stir fry for dinner tonight - absolutely ginormous, it's hard cooking for one! - and then watched Strictly. Without interruption. Bliss.
Boris Johnson came perilously close to messing Strictly up with his delayed announcement of a second lockdown which begins on Thursday. But the BBC cut him off with seconds to spare and all was well. 

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