
A really beautiful morning.  I met a friend and we had a lovely walk in the sunshine.  It was bright and sunny and very still.  No coat was required.  Once back in town we parted company and headed back to the daily grind – she to do her weekly shop and me to sort out my washing and other chores.  I had ordered lunch and had to pop back down town later to pick it up.  The deli was much calmer than last Friday.  They had an extra helper today and the owner even accused me of being late – he was laughing!  Lunch went down a treat with the boys, and I enjoyed mine very much.  Lovely tasty food and all freshly prepared.
After lunch I remembered I needed a couple of things and if I had been more organised I should have picked them up earlier, anyway as it was such a nice day I didn’t mind popping into town again.  Even though it was only early afternoon, the sun had dropped and with it the temperature.   Once back home I called my mum and dad to find out how they got on at the funeral yesterday.  I think they enjoyed being out of the house and catching up with family, albeit at a sad occasion. 
BB had been asking for takeaway pizza for tea and I was quite happy with that as it meant I didn’t have to cook.  We told him it was his “reward” for a good school report earlier in the week.
Later TT had a whisky zoom call and I also had a catch up with friends,  I was a bit weary, so wasn’t feeling very chatty – but we had a laugh.  I then dozed on the sofa while “watching” Graham Norton.  The US election position has not moved.
After such a lovely day, it was really foggy this evening.
Another sign of autumn – an acorn.

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