Happy people on Ferry Road

It's been one of those glum grey Edinburgh days. Misty when we first got up, at least the rain held off until about halfway round our fairly lengthy walk to Milk. We sat outside in the rain, under the umbrellas, commenting that this was not something we could have imagined doing last year. On the way back, the direct way, we crossed Ferry Road and I saw this in someone's front window. They must be happy. But then so are most of us, I think. We did an event on external voters just before the election, and one of the contributors followed it up with a blog on the US elections. I actually have mixed feelings, from a normative perspective, about external voters, but probably I would be drowned out by support for the phenomenon, which is truly worldwide these days.

I took a further short walk in the afternoon, when the rain was not too heavy, in order to complete my steps for the week. The problem with the gym that I use being closed, and mainly working from home, is that short brisk functional walks have disappeared. I'll just have to take some short brisk disfunctional ones.

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