Dom’s delivery!

I made apple cakes straight away this morning and packed them in the box of treats - wine, gin, tonic, olives, posh crisps, onion marmalade, chocolates, Smarties, Happy Families card game, Lego cards etc. Then we did our “just testing our eyes” drive to Gosforth where we deposited it on #3 daughter’s step.

Funnily enough she anticipated our arrival and had the yard gate open. She’d already done one Teams A level lesson and Nathaniel had done his Alliteration work, his PE (using the outside window ledge as a monkey bar) and written to Santa. Ella didn’t mind him being at home while she had to go to school. Nathaniel read me his Santa letter then Ella’s. She started off “I hope I am not being greedy but I would like“.
One of the things she wants is a crop top. She’s not 9 yet. She won’t be getting one.

I managed 7 minutes on the x trainer. My quads hurt so that must be a good thing.

Good news of a vaccine. Maybe things are looking up.

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