Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Presidential Slogans With My Java

Every morning I have a minimum of two mugs of coffee. Here it's brewing my third and fouth mugs o' the day. This is my favorite mug. It is covered with presidential campaign slogans from throughout the years - winners and losers.

larger for better viewing

The ones visible in the photo are:

In Your Heart You Know He's Right, Barry Goldwater (1964)

Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Press, Freemont, John Freemont (1856)

A Cure For The Blues, Bill Clinton (1992)*

No Third Term! Democrats for Wilkie, Wendell L. Wilkie (1940)

Let's Make America Great Again, Ronald Reagan (1980)*

A Time for Greatness, John F. Kennedy (1960)*

Let Well Enough Alone, William McKinley (1900)*

Some you can't see that I like:

Turn the Rascals Out, Horace Greeley (1872)

Back to Normalcy, Warren G. Harding (1920)*

Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too, William Henry Harrison (1840)

Who is...James K. Polk?, Henry Clay (1844)

The Railsplitter of 1830, The President of the US, Abraham Lincoln (1860)*

Peace, Eugene McCarthy (1972) My first ballot ever.

54-40 or Fight, Anti-James K. Polk (1844)*

Not Just Peanuts, Jimmy Carter (1976)*

My Hat's in the Ring, Teddy Roosevelt (1912)*

No Crown of Thorns No Cross of Gold, William Jennings Bryan (1896)*

*winning campaign

There are more but I thought the list was long enough. I wash it by hand so as not to let it fade. I bought it through the The Unemployed Philosophers Guild website.

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