Boxing clever...

not quite as they have no arms attached! That will be tomorrow's job along with the facial features. Then I'll be moving to dressing them. I think ballet skirts and knitted boleros will be pretty for Christmas and one other outfit each, depending on time. I'm still contemplating making the armchairs for each of them but I want to get the rabbits themselves finished and boxed up before I decide. I need to order boxes to make them look a bit special. 
Earlier in the day I had a walk round the village combined with a lovely chat to Barry's sister on the phone and a quick visit to the church.
Mum was very down as she had been unwell with her stomach and definitely feeling the loneliness. I'll be checking on her again in the morning as I'll phone to go through her online grocery shop. Charlotte is visiting her on Friday so hopefully her week will improve.
My brother is feeling much better but since being in hospital is having to rely on constant use of his oxygen when not sitting around. He's hoping he will be less dependent as time goes on but at the moment without it his oxygen levels fall too low.
I made the decision to stop tracking all my food on the WW app as it felt like it was taking over my life, spending far too much time searching for foods that I use to make recipes! I know how to cook a good healthy meal and reduce my sugar intake from all angles so I'm sure I can get the required result without all that time wasting!
A very grey day and wet at the end, but it is November after all, so not much else to be expected!
I'm healthy and happy to be me, all that's required for now.

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