Orange Tuesday

The backyard to the rescue for an EB!

MASSIVE THANKS for all your stars and hearts yesterday!  These things tend to sneak up suddenly.  Wanted to 'prepare' more, but the daily life is more than good enough.

An ordinary day today with some sun and some cloud.  There's an overload of what I call 'after-news', and both of us kind of 'hung around' waiting for something good to hear, but it was not to be, except perhaps for the fact that our curve is flattening nicely and daily dead starting to show a downward trend, which is very good news for us.  Our Prime Minister and his current sidekick, the Minister of Health, even took a couple of hours today, about 1.5 meters away from each other at the conference table, to respond to various tweets and mails about the virus.  Yes, that is correct -- direct responses to concerned citizens who took the opportunity to tweet their concerns directly to the top.  It's almost mid-November and the general citizenry has been rather obedient with regards to the semi-lockdown rules, except for a rather wild party of some hundred young guests in a wooded area somewhere, some of whom could not produce any identification and all of whom were heavily fined.  Oh, to be young and foolish and uncaring ... not.

But still better than to be old and still foolish and uncaring, and in denial, like this caricature we all know.

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