Tourist town

Not many towns can boast both the Colosseum and the Taj Mahal!  It certainly saves a lot of travelling!

Another dull day today tho' we walked downtown and up again without getting wet. I was very surprised to receive a Facebook message this afternoon from a Tesco lady for the second time in a few days. She was the one who offered me a jar from her husband's purchase in Morrison's last Thursday. This time she uploaded a photo of a tray of Bovril in Aisle 12 in Tesco. What a kind and friendly thing to do - people can be great!! Just in case they sold out I went straight down and half the tray had already gone, so I bought a couple of jars. 

Limerick of the Day:

While discussing the plants at Balmoral,
Prince Charles and the Queen had a quarrel.
She resolved to agree
One might chat with a tree,
But declined to converse with the sorrel.

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