
Thank you all for your lovely comments yesterday. Thankfully today has been a much better day.

Harp helped make scones earlier. She loves to get stuck in . When it came to the cheese though I had to give her a separate bowl. She's a cheese monster and I knew she would just eat it. The bigger Wildlings will take some round to a neighbour's after dinner. She loves cheese scones. Doesn't do sweet food but these she loves. We even put a candle in a couple for her birthday.

Xander has had a much better day since being home .

While he was at school and Lincoln was on a bug hunt with his childminder I helped hang a monet picture on the stairs. It's about 3ft by 2. And when Mr R dropped Xander off he nipped upstairs and didn't even notice it . Ha . I wonder what else I can get away with putting up without him noticing. My shoulder is quite sore now and I've struggled most of today. I even had to get the ladders out to change a lightbulb. I'm near enough 6foot and just have to reach up. Not now anyway with this shoulder. But hey ho it's nearly bedtime for the Wildlings and then I can relax and paint for a while . X

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