Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

You'll never get me out of here!

..... and I couldn't!
When our kitchen was fitted in 2010, the fridge freezer wasn't the same height as the units so there is a neat little shelf above the fridge. It's not cold and I've never quite worked out what to store there. Now it looks like Cleo has solved my problem. It does mean though that as she has a habit of nipping into places as soon as my back is turned, I'm going to have to watch I don't shut her in there. Oh and I can't get her out if she goes to the back, young Cleo has very sharp claws which she doesn't hesitate to use at times! On the other hand I can't leave her in there as the fridge door is open! I'll just have to be careful.

Evening prayer this evening, which I was leading. Today would have been my Dad's 96th birthday, so I was able to remember him especially.

I popped down to Morrisons this evening, the car thermometer said 3.5°. Brrrrrrrr.

Keep safe everybody, we've dealt with so much this year, let's hope the end is finally, if not in sight, then that there is at last a glimpse of it just around the corner.

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