Busy, Busy

But a good day although it never seemed to end! I started with an appointment at the orthopedist. I'm having a stem cell therapy procedure on my knee in December and the doc needed to do an ultrasound on my pelvis where he'll extract the stem cells from the bone marrow. I've had one knee replacement which was just god awful. Looking back, I think it was so difficult because I had undiagnosed Lyme Disease at the time. But it was bad enough that I do NOT want to have another knee replacement. Since the knee is now bone on bone I'm trying this route out. The doc (who's the head of regenerative surgery at this big orthopedic practice) says that the stem cells will create a new surface on the bones, and maybe even a pseudo cartilage. Pretty cool stuff. It does take quite some time to work and I'll be in a brace, very quiet, for two weeks (and on crutches when I move). But then gradually walking and within 6 weeks back to normal activity. Perfect time of year since I'm not going anywhere soon!

Meanwhile, a lot of work on the botanical garden and a great walk when the sun broke through the rain and clouds this afternoon. My neighbors put up quite a Christmas light display and apparently they're taking advantage of the nice weather to get started (it must take FOREVER there are SO many decorations and lights!) At any rate, this angel appears a couple of days ago and today she looks positive angelic as she looked to the heavenly blue skies past this gorgeous fall tree! It brought a smile to my face!

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