What the cat died of?

"Back in the day" as they say - never telling us which day; "the old folk" would "Tickle" their Taties to see how the tubers were shaping up, without losing a top by digging it up.
I've just done similar to the Oca crop, on account of only having three and not wanting to prematurely dig one.
"Eaten raw, the oca tubers have a slightly lemony taste, which becomes more nutty during cooking. The tubers also lose their pink/red colour when cooked and turn cream instead. Oca can be cooked in the same way as potatoes and is perfect for adding to soups and stews."  
I halved and tasted the smallest; I didn't detect a significant lemony taste, apparently attributed to a small% of oxalic acid.
Not a meal of course, but I'll boil the other two out of curiosity.

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