Feeding in the dark

A rainy and windy day, and one slurry channel was in need of flushing, so I continued to that after morning feeding. I had already filled a water trough on the backyard the evening before to prepare for running out of water in case of power failure.

Installed the new window in the machine shed after lunch. The wind was at its strongest then, but it was almost unnoticeable on that side of the building. When that was done, I came home and thought about making some coffee. Didn't, and soon the lights went out. Wouldn't have had the time anyway! I went to the shed to do some cleaning and observe the water pressure. I had to turn the water off after an hour, as the haylage is quite dry and the heifers need to cover the lacking water in the feed by drinking.

Started the evening feeding when there was still some light outside, but it didn't help much in the shed, so it was mostly done with the help of headlamps and the miniloader's lights. I had to carry dozens of bucketfuls of water afterwards from the trough outside and my back certainly didn't like that!

Towards the evening the wind ceased and the temperature dropped near zero. There was snow in the forecast, but the clouds passed us by. At 8 pm the sky was completely clear.

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