
Found your hope, then, on the ground under your feet.
Your hope of Heaven, let it rest on the ground

It’s easier to feel hopeful when the sun is out, and after a wet and beginning, the morning turned sunny and bright and I ventured out on a walk. I began with a circuit of a huge field from which the sheep have recently been taken away, but left traces of their occupation on the barbed wire fence. The perimeter of the field runs along the course of the Cairn Water as it bends to meet the Auld Water and become the Cluden. The water was high after the recent rain and it was quite muddy underfoot. I walked over 2 miles today, trying to include some gentle slopes to exercise my muscles and stretch out the knotty fascia. A fracture always causes damage to soft tissue as well as bones and this often gets neglected.

The energetic morning has been followed by a restful afternoon :-)

* this is from a lovely Poem on Hope By Wendell Berry

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