Mallards Lake

Life’s full of little challenges. The monoblock tap in the kitchen sink has become loose. Not knowing what to do I cleared the detritus under the sink to have a look at how to tighten it.

I thought that while I was there I’d replace the charcoal filter which provides filtered drinking water - minus the limescale which is prevalent in our water. So far, so good.

Extracted the old filter, disconnected the supply tubes. So far so good. The connection in the replacement filter was broken, and in the second and in the third. I couldn’t replace the old filter, neither could I turn on the cold water until I’d fashioned a plug to stuff up the end of the supply tube. Then it was on to the company for replacement.

Meanwhile it took a search on YouTube to discover I needed a set of Monoblock spanners to effect a repair. A set now on order which I will be able to collect on Wednesday. Fingers crossed, both jobs should be resolved.

That took over most of the morning which I had planned to use for other purposes. We did manage to get out for a walk this afternoon in the gathering dusk. Today’s blip is of Mallards Lake, a regular blip haunt and a submission for MonoMonday: Shape & Form in the Landscape:Water. Thanks for hosting Random Angel.

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