
By Alberta

The washing line

There is a 2 day country wide strike in India today and tomorrow. Nothing is open and nothing is allowed to open. No taxis are allowed unless to the hospital or the airport. The roads are quiet. The bakery was sold out yesterday. Not sure if this is the result of David Cameron visiting here or not! Fortunately we have some porridge and honey! Here in Kerala the strike is treated more like a holiday with a mood of celebration!

Anyway bikes are allowed so today we cycled 8km in the morning heat down to the Ashram to pay Swamiji for the yoga sessions he gave every day before our conferences. He was very busy as always. Their water pump had burnt out so he was busy fixing that and had people waiting for consultations for ayurverdic treatments. Nevertheless he stopped to give us some tea even in the midst of clearing out water from the high tides that we have had overnight for the last few days. The plants that he grows for medicines are however flourishing in the wet! Everything in the Ashram is made from second materials as you might just be able to see. And it is not he but visitors who hang the washing on the line like this! I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they hang the washing on the line!

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