I knew when there was no theme for Tiny Tuesday that I would Blip this beautiful little rosebud because it just fits the bill perfectly, being about 3/4” or 1.9 cm from base to tip.

Linda, a lovely friend, bought this for me several months ago and it has been sitting on my kitchen windowsill delighting me ever since.  I have watered it, spoken kindly to it when it stopped blooming and now it’s blooming again and is as beautiful as it ever was.  So thank you again, Linda - this little plant has brought me much joy - as your friendship has, over the years.

I went out for a physically distanced walk this morning with Julia, another friend, and it was lovely to meet up with her and catch up after not seeing each other for a few weeks - another friendship that has brought me joy over more than 40 years.

As I drove back along a road where a cycle lane has been put in on both sides, it was interesting to note that a runner was coming towards me on my side, yet on the other side, two cyclists were riding on the pavement - what a crazy world!

I’m now about to try and record a song for our Zoom service on Sunday - it might take a few tries to get it right - as I haven’t done any recording for sometime - and it’s quite strange having the music playing in your ears and singing into a microphone - thank goodness it doesn’t involve me using my hands!

Things that brought me joy today:

Seeing new blooms on my rose plant
Being able to go out walking with a friend
Enjoying home-made Broccoli and blue cheese soup for lunch

“We cannot cure the world of sorrows,
     but we can choose to live in joy.”
Joseph Campbell

P.S.  Many thanks for all your kind comments for yesterday’s Blip.  For those who were interested, I used an app on my iPhone called ColorBlast!, which takes all the colour out and then you can put back in the colours you want - a very clever little app and I also like the MobileMonet app.  

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