Bacopa & Poppy Seedhead

During the year I collect bits and pieces of nature which I can possibly use as nature studies on colder, wetter and darker days in the comfort of one of my indoor studios (i.e. front door lobby). Today it was the turn of a poppy seedhead (one of my oriental garden poppies I think) which I paired with a sprig of Barcopa  which is still flowering in a hanging basket in the garden. 

Despite using a tripod and the "big camera" with macro lens attached, I still managed to get the DOF wrong (doh), and the seedhead was out of focus slightly. Fortunately,  another image in the series had the seedhead in focus while the sprig was very blurred ... time for some more Phopshop practice. 

The final image is a 2-shot focus stack which hopefully qualifies for today's Tiny Tuesday challenge.

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