Making the Most of It

Virus? What virus? The number of people out and about in Bruntsfield and Morningside early this afternoon would have you think everything was back to normal. The pavements were packed and there were small queues outside practically every shop whether small or large. It seemed that everyone was determined to be out in the sunshine while it lasts.

I walked amongst the throng to deliver the stollen cake from yesterday to the doorstep of son #2. I know better than to ring the bell when I haven’t made an appointment because Luca does online teaching on a Saturday and I don’t want to disturb her. They have acknowledged the doorstep gift and will come past the patio later after a walk with their take-away coffees to hand.

My blip is of a rather garish rainbow on the grass of the Mound outside New College. It is so bright that it makes the lit Norway Christmas Tree next to it look completely understated, but hey ho, there is no Johnny Walker advert for a Hogmanay extravaganza gracing the railings there this year, so I suppose the city fathers thought a rainbow would do the trick instead.

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