No- sun, No-Vember.

After the lovely day yesterday, today brought us all back down to earth, caught in a miasma of damp enveloping mist which seemed to soak into my very heart.

To keep busy and not feel depressed by the weather I found an alternative which in its own way managed to do the same.
I bought some wrapping paper to send off parcels and then spent an hour fighting with sellotape and parcel tape. If it took 8 days to send an envelope with 2 Advent calendars to Glasgow, goodness knows how long it will take to send parcels there and to deepest darkest Yorkshire. Factor into that equation the fact that our local PO does not open now until 11am and so beating the scrum that will inevitably happen later in the month is my incentive.

On my outing for the paper I came across the worst area of discarded rubbish I’ve seen since summer in the Meadows. This was in the heart of the University area outside the McEwen Hall but was not I think caused by students but by the skate boarders who use the area as a substitute skate park and go unchallenged by authority.
The whole of Bristo Square was a sea of discarded bottles, cans, food containers and broken glass. It looked like the surroundings of the worst shanty town

It’s dark now at 4pm and the weather is invisible outside my lamp lit room. Time to close the blinds and hope tomorrow is better....... although a peek at my
I phone tells me otherwise.

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